vineri, 5 martie 2010

Do you competely trust a committed man that you're dating?

Crazy question! Of course you can't trust him. It is hard enough to completely trust anyone BUT a committed guy having an affair with you is not someone i'd put all my faith in. That being said, the affair is probably giving you some joy so why expect much else? Just take it for what it is.If the guy says he doesnt believe in marriiaaggee it s just bullshit ! hahhhahaha
I do not care what anybody tells you or mee :)) , i can tell you now, that there is no way to completelllly trust a commited or married man who is in a relationship with another woman. Meaning he's screwing you, and his wife...reality check, i think you need a couple of those. He's not a good man, because a real man, does not betray his wife. He is a cheater, liar and overall obviously a scum. He's feeding you lies, and you are falling for it(or him :)) )...just like he wants you to, into his trap. How about the other woman? The one that walked down the isle to her husband, and said, "for better or for worse" or she's just inlove with him in a relationship and waiting for her greattt wedding, how do you think she's going to feel?( well I guess you don't carre .. well I know ! buttt hmm put yourself in her was hard but acum gandesc asa :) vazand atatea in jurul meu) Sometimes in life you need to think about other people, and how you affect other peoples lives. How can you sleep at night, knowing that some other woman is involved...She has a relationship with this man, and you are the other woman. It's odd, you are okay being the other woman, i'd never put myself in that position. I honestly, can't justify, what you're dealing with a committed man. I want to give you some sort of advice, but my only advice is you're lying to yourself that this man has anything for you.
If he did, he wouldn't still be with his wife or girl ...he'd be with you. Don't let him have both, there is single men you know... ;)))
People Who Get Married They're Not To Be Trusted !!! ...if u are so legitimitly happy honestly ;/ .. you wouldnt feel the need to make such a big show and they just do it because they feel insecurrreee that they did something that they didnt reallyy wanted too..& they lie to themselves & there lieing to other people as well they secretttllyy cheat or if not hmm then thank you GGGooddddd haha mai exista asa ceva?... >;))))
So before you do it( I mean the weddding not the affair with the marriiedd guy hahha Jessus!) =))... First commit to someone be happy get to know him or her better (even if one lifetime is not enough to know a person)& after some years I repeat YEAR'S not mounth's or week's haha accept this "legal contract" that make's u two get togheter in the cage ! ;) Till then have fun in limitele bunului simt! & don't forget there is single men you know :)))))))
( not always so fun to be a misstresss think If u fall for him It's riiiliiiriiillii not fun)

joi, 4 martie 2010


Am tot auzit in ultima vreme cuvantul asta auzit cum persoane apropiate se casatoresc persoane neapropiate dar cunostiinte se logodesc ... unii se marita in 2 3 4 luni un an si alte persoane care caracterizeaza mariajul...
Da ciudat :) mariajul suna funny din gura mea o tanara de 20 de ani da suna funny dar daca stau sa ma gandesc bunica mea si persoane mai in varsta sau chiar tipe de varsta mea sau ehh cu un an doi mai mari .. la 20 de ani faceau nunta ( fac) da la 21 22 fac un copil si sunt (domnee) nishte femei adevarate in adevaraut sens al cuvantului cu plod ul de ingrijit de dus la scoala gradi etc :)) (trist) (nu se pune bunicamea erau alte vremuri copilul era un principiu :)) ).
Da trist ... nu sunt o persoana superficiala nu ..deloc chiar..sunt doar cerebrala..
Dupa parerea mea sunt trei categorii de femei : Femeia intretinuta ; Femeia de cariera (care nu depinde de cineva anume si anume daca maine divorteaza,e ca si inainte,just that probabil in unele triste cazuri nu si mai intretine sotul.. sau in alte cazuri in care ambii sunt oameni de cariera nu mai e ingradita in plan sentimental) si in cele din urma femeia de rand ( ce intelegem din femeia de rand.. familia cotidiana cu 2 parinti care se lupta sa faca ceva ptr ca ingerasul lor sa nu simta vreun stres pe care btw ei il consuma non stop). Tu din ce categorie faci parte sinccceerree??? :)
Mie personal casatoria mi se pare un fel de angajament in care obligi persoana de langa tine si pe tine normal sa se concentreze numai si numai asupra o iei acasa( nesuportand sa sta ti departe de ea ;) ) sau sa te ia acasa sau sa face ti o casa impreuna ... daaaa astfel in acea persoana putand sa ti manifestezi toata increderea astfel impartind o viata atat materiala cat si spirituala.. si sa ajungem la material ...
Mariajul contract prin care iti imparti bunurile cu o persoana depinde de felul mariajului si de contractele semnate dar in majoritatea cazurilor asta inseamna ..
Daca nu ar fi mariajul am sta singuri sau nu am sta sta cu mai multe persoane diferite zi de zi iar dupa cum se spune .. nu ti poti afisha sufletul nu tzi potzi expune sufletul pe tava oricui ...cate tavi sa aiba si omul se termina pana la urma :))///////!!!!! & oricum majoritatea oamenilor kit ca nu recunoaste nimeni nici eu nu as recunoaste sunt mult prea slabi ca sa traiasca singuri sa si traiasca singuri emotiile exista barbat fara femeie ..asa cum nici Adam nu a rezistat fara o Eva ;) suntem slabi chiar daca nimeni nu a recunoscut vreodata.
Da si ajungem la concluzia ca omu se casatoreste ori din iubire ori din obligatie...... ca trebuie mai nene sa ai acolo o persoana pe care sa o indragesti ca te ai saturat sa sari din iubire n iubire din placere n placere ( nu e bai ca unii sar,kit ca sunt casatoriti/te) si trebuie sa ai si tu acolo o persoana in care sa ai incredere cu care sa ti faci un urmas, cu care sa tzi amplifici averea sau care sa ti amplifice averea :)) cu care sa cheltuiesti si cu care sa dai nastere la un mostenitor ca sa nu tzi se piarda urma dupa incetarea vietii ... iar iubirea se invata si se produce in timp nu exista asa ceva ca ne casatorim din aadevarata e doar o aparenta.. da e practica.. iti place foarte mult o persoana anume si o vrei.. asta e iubirea.. iar ea ca sa si gaseasca adevaratul sens trebuie sa o hranesti cu ce cu un copil.. cu probleme .. cu momente frumoase, cu tot ce tine de X si Y de el si ea !!!
Asa in cele din urma 'Quod erat demonstrandum , am demonstrat ca ..!D!a! Casatoria este un contract! legamant..prin care incerci sa legi (incerci ca unii mai zboara)o persoana sa ti dedice si sa i dedici adevarata ta persoana pe viata (speri cel putin :)) ) fara sa te mai studiezi vreodata in fata ei cu care sa imparti momentele vietii tale frumoase urate cum or fi si pe care o obligi sa stea doar cu tine in majoritatea tp ului :)) ....
Cooooollll asa cica :))))))))))))))))))))))))))) !